Enhance Your Neighborhood Entrance with Seasonal Color   

Concord Trails HOA

First impressions are important, especially when you’re entering a neighborhood. When the seasons change, many homeowners will fill their landscaping with colorful, eye-catching plants that thrive at that time, and HOAs follow suit by planting stunning seasonal plants at the neighborhood entrance. At Oasis Landscapes & Irrigation, we understand the importance of summer seasonal color, especially for the front of your subdivision. There are many benefits to enhancing your entrance landscaping, as well as a variety of seasonal options that will make your neighborhood stand out.

Benefits of HOA Entrance Landscaping

Adding beauty and structure to a neighborhood entrance provides more benefits than simply looking nice. It can change how the neighborhood is viewed and can make it an impactful place in the community.

Curb Appeal and Enhanced Value

A significant benefit to seasonal landscaping at the entrance of a subdivision is how it presents the neighborhood’s value. When you enter a neighborhood, you want it to look well-organized and visually appealing. Poorly done landscaping or a lack of consistency is a quick way to deter people from the area or discourage people from moving in. Whether it’s residents, visitors, or potential buyers, good landscaping draws the eye and can positively impact the property values and the overall reputation of the neighborhood.

Welcoming Appearance

When you move into a neighborhood, you want to feel welcomed. Filling an HOA entryway with seasonal colors and professional landscaping features in an organized manner can create a more comfortable atmosphere for the neighborhood. It helps build a sense of community and encourages the residents to feel more connected. Bright colors and attractive gardening can also make visitors feel more welcome when they come in.

Environmentally Friendly

While good landscaping is significantly beneficial for setting a tone and increasing the value of the homes inside the neighborhood, it can also have a positive impact on the environment. Incorporating native plants that are pollinator-friendly can attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to the area and increase the health of the surrounding environment. The addition of plants that are pest-resistant or don’t require much water can also help the neighborhood conserve resources and reduce the use of pesticides and repellents.

Seasonal Plant Options 

Summer is a hot but lively season, when plenty of time is spent outdoors, and friends and family visit each other. Planting bright and colorful plants is a great way to reflect the season, and to make the community stand out to residents and guests alike. There are a wide variety of plants that grow well during the summer season and some even grow into the fall. Our team has put together a list of beautiful summer plants that are sure to stun at the entrance, from small flowers to vibrant bushes, and are highly recommended for enhancing the neighborhood.


Pansies are a highly popular choice in landscaping, and it’s no surprise that they make for a beautiful display in the entrance to the neighborhood. Their circular blooms come in a wide variety of colors such as white, blue, red, and yellow, with contrasting colors right at the center of them. They can fill in gaps between other patches of flowers or can stand out on their own in large containers or along borders. If your neighborhood entrance has partially shaded spots, these flowers can bloom well, with some varieties thriving well into the fall.

A vibrant garden filled with blooming purple pansies

Purple Coneflower

These native flowers are a great way to liven up the front of the neighborhood with plenty of pollinators. Coneflowers stand tall with vibrant purple petals and spiny centers and work well in larger plant displays. They can be planted with ornamental grasses and other herbaceous plants, or they can be planted on their own around rocks and beside neighborhood signs for a splash of color. These flowers do well in the sunlight, and their pollinator-friendly qualities can greatly benefit the other plants around them.

A bee perched on a vibrant purple coneflower


Part of the mint family, salvias are beautiful herbaceous plants with thick and aromatic foliage and attractive, spiked blooms. Their leaves range from muted to vibrant green, and their flowers can be blue, white, and purple. They thrive well even in hotter, drier conditions and are low maintenance. Salvias are also deer resistant, making them a great option for neighborhoods that are visited often by the local wildlife. Tall and ornamental, they can be planted along any fencing at the entrance, paired with smaller flowers in flower beds, or spread out around other flowering plants to create bright and vibrant color contrasts.

A vibrant field of lavender flowers and salvia basking in the warm sunlight, creating a serene and picturesque landscape.


For unique and vibrant landscaping, celosias are an option that stand out well. Their feathery blooms come in a wide range of colors and various shapes, providing fascinating and attractive texture to an entryway garden. They can be used to create dramatic displays in flower beds, containers, and along borders. As a pollinator-friendly plant, they can also attract plenty of bees and butterflies, making them a welcoming and lively sight underneath the neighborhood entrance sign. They grow well in direct sunlight, which makes them a good option for sunny entrances.

A stunning close-up of a vibrant yellow flower, showcasing its delicate petals and intricate details in radiant sunlight.


If your HOA entrance is much more shaded, an excellent option for your landscaping is coleus. These foliage plants come in a broad spectrum of different colors, allowing for them to be mixed and matched with a variety of other plants. Their wide leaves can range from vibrant greens and purples to bright yellows and reds. They’re great for creating mixed borders alongside the entrance, or they can be planted in masses in containers or in the corners of the landscape beneath the shade.

A coleus plant featuring vivid red and green foliage, creating a lively and colorful accent in a botanical setting

Spruce Up Your Entrance with Oasis

Keeping up your HOA entrance’s appearance is important, and a great way to help your community reflect this beautiful season. Oasis Landscapes & Irrigation offers a wide array of landscaping services for neighborhoods, including seasonal color. We help fill landscapes with high quality annuals that best fit the season and create welcoming displays for the community. If you’re looking to update your HOA’s entrance, contact us today, and our landscape designers will work with you to prepare your neighborhood’s landscaping for the season. 
